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Anonymous (not verified)

February 18, 2020

Dear family and friends of Antonio Alvarez,
We are high school students and learning about the events that occurred on September 11 2001. we are sorry that you lost a loved one on that day. We read info about how much her enjoyed playing sports in his neighborhood like playing soccer and pickup basketball games. Our heartfelt wishes and prayers go out to his wife and his son. Please know that your loved on is being honored and remembered today! Blessings to your family

Published by Alex Frey Mike Wyatt

Anonymous (not verified)

February 18, 2020

I know that you don`t know me and I don`t know you but you hold a special place in my heart. 9/11 will never be forgotten matter of fact we just had the tenth anniversary Sunday and all i could think about were the ones that dead in Ground Zero and at the Pentagon. Their were many heros but you are also a hero and hopefully your resting in paradise and one day I`ll see you soon.

Published by Alexis

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