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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Hi. Dianne sent me the link to this page. I'm the "Beth" in Mike's anecdote about the Yom Kippur service at Princeton. I have never forgotten and never will.

I wish you all peace.

"come on up for the rising tonight..." - bruce

Posted by Beth

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Well here we are and it is almost midnight on the 8th anniversary and still I cannot believe you are gone. Every year is difficult - all of those neatly tucked emotions have a right to be unleashed - yet it is so personal and I cannot easily. I love you Brian and I miss you. This year was harder because I miss Tara too. I love you hon and I love her too and I miss you both. Me.

Posted by Cathy

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

It is 14 years after the event that changed all of our lives... after hearing remembrances on the radio this morning, I again was reminded of Brian... he was my underwriter at Horizon BCBS for a number of years... I remember him fondly... he always had a smile and a laugh and he genuinely wanted to help me succeed! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Posted by Scott Douglas

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Just happened to be visiting the city from Alabama today. They explained the significance of the roses. I found his name and had to take a picture.

Published by Whitney Miles

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