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Anonymous (not verified)

February 17, 2020


I just found this guestbook and want to add my message to you. My weeks working with you in NYC were one of the most meaningful experiences of my professional life. Your courage, strength, hope realism, humor, and strong love you showed will remain with me. I think of all of you often and wish you well.


Posted by Lucie Ferrell

Anonymous (not verified)

February 17, 2020


So sorry for your loss. Dave was a great man. I found this site while searching for his name on the WTC memorial. I watched a special on History Channel about the memorial and saw the names being engraved. Hope you and your family are doing well. Jim

Posted by Jim Collentro

Anonymous (not verified)

February 17, 2020


Thinking of you today.

Joe and Linda Berry

Posted by Joseph Berry

Anonymous (not verified)

February 17, 2020

I just visited the fountains at ground zero in front of place where David Bernard name is set. I googled his name today and came to this site and read his bio and reflected on his life and family. To his wife and children: I will hold David in prayer and ask our Lord to bless him and his family each day from here on. Be well and know that he is not forgotten and loved by those who never knew him.

Posted by Anthony Salmon

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Place of Residence:
Chelmsford, MA
Location on 9/11:
Internal Revenue Service Regional Council | R & D Specialist
The New York Times Portraits of Grief
Dave Bernard Award

David W. Bernard loved his family and he loved golf, and he liked to combine his two passions. Every July, he played in a father-son tournament — twice in one day — so he could do 18 holes with each of his sons, Mark and David Jr. Before his daughter, Jill, was married last summer, he arranged a foursome with his two boys and his soon-to-be son-in- law. And he taught his wife of 33 years, Nancy, how to play.

"He was very patient with me," she said. "He wanted me to play golf so that when we traveled together we could do it together." (In return, he went shopping with her.) Despite his low golf handicap (just nine) and his fierce competitiveness, Mr. Bernard was a gracious winner, said Mrs. Bernard: "Nobody could ever be mad at him. He just had a very easy way about him."

Mr. Bernard, 57, was an industry specialist for the Internal Revenue Service and was based in Boston. On Sept. 11, he was on his way to a meeting at the I.R.S. offices at 7 World Trade Center when the first plane hit the towers.