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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I knew and loved her from that first time at Legz and later at Tower Records when I was the buyer and you were the seller. I always looked forward to seeing her and letting her sniff my cigarettes after she quit.

I now have 11 months without a cigarette and I know how COOL it is to beat this and I do it in your memory. I am in recovery for so many different things but I will never recover from missing you!

Thanks and God bless ya!!

Jaco tower records- carle place

Posted by jaco tower records-carle place huntington

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I enjoyed reading Joyces living memorial page. She was such an extraordinary individual and it is so easy to see how and why she impacted and influenced the lives of those around her. Thank you John Brian Quinn for sharing Joyces Memory with us and including us in your book about Joyce! We love you and without you we would have never know the beauty of Joyce s character and because we know now she has touched our hearts posthumously as well in a very real way! We will never forget her never. She s an Angel watching over us too! Rest on my dear Joyce in the peace of Gods presence. Rest on our (S)hero!

Published by Rev. Phyllis "Phyggie" Y. Bolden

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Hey my name is Millicent Tyler

I attend glenn hills high school, i am doing a report/biography in my class on joyce ann. God bless.

Posted by Millicent Tyler

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