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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

My brother Bob was so loved and is so terribly missed. He touched the lives of more people than can be imagined. A great person. A tragedy his life was taken so soon. We think about him everyday.

Published by Richard Murach

Kade Boyce (not verified)

October 02, 2023

Bob was my aunt Laurie’s husband. He was simply the coolest person I have ever met. An absolute epitome of effortless class, taste, and character, that could only be imitated in an attempt to emulate who he was. His depth of knowledge, life experience, drive, success, kindness, and nonchalant coolness is very rarely wrapped up in one human-being. He showed me the band Radiohead! Talked to me about good movies. Inspired me to want to play the guitar. The little bit of time I had with him holds an important place in my memory. Bob was James Bond in my young eyes.

Posted by Kade Boyce

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