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Anonymous (not verified)

February 17, 2020

I cannot tell you how deeply I am affected by this story. I flooded with tears because of this mans story. I cannot comprehend what he went through and how we saved others and risked his life. This is true hero and one that should be remembered in our hearts for decades to come. I wish I would have met this amazing person because I know that he would have touched me and inspired me like he is doing now. May he remain in our hearts forever and never be forgotten. The man in the red bandanna. RIP

Posted by Alicia

marwa (not verified)

September 02, 2023

I'm a 19 year old girl from Morocco who get affected so much by Welles's story, and cry every time when I see his photos. He was a young beautiful soul who was gone too soon, and left us with pain and sadness. He was a hero, and still a hero, and forever a hero in the world's eyes, not just American people. We here in Morocco are really sorry for this huge loss of these victims. Especially Welles, who I will always remember and love from the bottom of my heart. He deserves, and still deserves, these tributes and attention. When I will visit USA, if God wants, I will go to NYC to see his grave and the memorial and will pray for him.

Even 22 years passed we will never forget Welles and he will be in our hearts forever and may God give them strength and patience for this huge loss.

RIP Welles, we love you.

Posted by Marwa

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Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
Sandler O'Neil & Partners | Equities Trader

Welles Remy Crowther, 24 years old, Boston College, Class of 1999, was an equities trader with Sandler O’Neill and Partners, 2 WTC, 104th floor.

At the age of 16, Welles became a volunteer firefighter and a fully-trained member of Empire Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1, Upper Nyack, NY. He always carried a red bandanna in his pants pocket, a habit he learned from his father as a child.

It was this signature that ultimately led to his identification as "The Man in the Red Bandanna," who had been known to save many lives on September 11th. Talk of his actions had begun only a few clays after September 11th among workers at Ground Zero who mounted rescue and recovery operations.

Nearly nine months later, two references in a New York Times article to a "mysterious man in a red kerchief"caught the eye of Welles’ mother. She was able to contact eyewitnesses, Judy Wein and Ling Young, who, through photographs, confirmed that Welles was indeed the man with the red bandanna who had saved their lives and many others that day.

Making multiple trips between the South Tower’s 78th floor Sky Lobby and clear air at the 61st floor, Welles found, carried and escorted victims clown the only stairwell that remained passable after a hijacked Boeing 767, United Airlines Flight #175, struck the South Tower at 9:03 am. When he finally reached the ground floor lobby he remained with members of the FDNY at the Command Center. They lost their lives when the tower collapsed.

Welles was recovered on the 19th of March, 2002 with the incident command center personnel of the FDNY. The Crowther family learned nearly three years later, that the men were on their way back up the South Tower with a Hurst "jaws of life" tool, to free victims trapped under debris, when the building collapsed. On December 15, 2006, Welles was made, posthumously, an honorary member of the FDNY.

The Crowther family established The Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust to honor Welles’ memory through scholarships and support of organizations that assist young people in their pursuit of excellence. The work of the trust is made possible through the generosity of others; donations and participation in very special fund-raising events. We hope that you will help us carry on Welles’ legacy.

"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"

— John 15:13

Love Is All that Prevails