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Alex (not verified)

August 12, 2022

I am from Reunion Island and a visitor of this website. even though I never knew Jeannine I wanted to express to the family how sorry I am over the loss of your loved one. 

Rest in peace Jeannine.

Posted by Alex

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Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
Cantor Fitzgerald | Bond Broker

A person’s life cannot be measured by the number of years on this planet. It must, however, be measured by the impact a person has on our lives. To that end, Jeannine, wife of Shawn, daughter of Bob and Cathy, and sister of Brian, had a gift. Jeannine always knew how to make you feel special and loved; when she loved you, she loved you unconditionally. She had an extraordinary way of putting others first. Her generosity had no boundaries, nor did her smile. She had a way of lighting up a room that was matched only in intensity by the way she lived her life.

Never in a bad mood, Jeannine lived every day to the fullest, leaving us all gasping for air, but never leaving us behind. As one of her best friends said, “Jeannine lived every day like it was her birthday.” (For those of us who knew her best, however, we know she didn’t just have a birthday, Jeannine had a birthday week). She traveled to places many people only dream of, and spent most summer weekends at the beach perfecting her, what seemed to be, year-round tan. She even persuaded her pale-skinned, Irish husband that he, too, can “get color”.

Jeannine’s life was also enriched by the passion she had for her work at Cantor Fitzgerald. She was recruited upon graduation from Villanova University and started in the training program in 1994. Upon completion of the program, she was assigned to the Agency desk where she was the only female bond broker at that time. Jeannine knew she would have to work very hard to prove herself in this male-dominated business. Always willing to accept a challenge, she used her talent, work ethic, aggressiveness and personality to excel as a broker and gain acceptance as “one of the boys.”

Intelligent, fun-loving, loyal, fearless and beautiful are all words used to describe Jeannine. Yet as beautiful as she was on the outside, she was even more beautiful on the inside, and that is what makes us most proud. We miss her every day and she will never be forgotten.