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Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods | Research Assistant
Lindsay Morehouse Memorial Scholarship Fund at Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC

Lindsay Morehouse attended The Benjamin School from 1990-1994 and was a member of the varsity tennis and soccer teams, as well as the recipient of the Faculty Academic Achievement Award. On September 11, 2001, Lindsay was among those who tragically lost their lives when the two towers of The World Trade Center, where she was working as an equity research assistant for Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, were attacked by terrorists. She was 24 years old. The daughter of Kathleen Stapleton Maycen and Theodore Chichester Morehouse III, Lindsay was born in Morristown, N.J., on August 27, 1977. At the age of 6, she moved with her mother and stepfather, Dale F. Maycen, to Stamford, Conn., where she began school at Greenwich Academy. Lindsay's love of the game of tennis began early and grew as she participated in the sport in grade school, high school and college. While completing her secondary education at St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire, she co-captained the tennis team before graduating summa cum laude. Lindsay earned a spot on the Williams College varsity tennis team during her freshman year and later served as team captain, playing in doubles, which she led to a second place finish in the Division III NCAA's in 1999. She majored in economics and graduated from Williams College in 2000. Lindsay began her career in the business world as an analyst for the Windsor Group in Middleburg, VA. She moved to New York City in April 2001 to accept a position with Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. One week before she died, she was accepted as a mentor in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program in New York city. Lindsay was many things to many people: a beloved daughter, a wonderful friend, a businesswoman, and a athlete.