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New On View: Bob Beckwith’s Helmet

After watching the Twin Towers collapse on television from his home on Long Island, retired firefighter Bob Beckwith made plans to help with the search efforts. More.

9/11 Memorial & Museum 2023 Annual Report

More than two decades after the 9/11 attacks, the National September 11 Memorial & Museum remains steadfast in its commitment to fulfill our collective promise to never forget the victims of the day. Now, we must also ensure that a new generation, and those that follow, share in this essential work. More.

FEMA Remembers 9/11: Stacie Greff

FEMA Region 8 External Affairs Director Stacie Greff coordinated public affairs in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “We had to really think outside of traditional media,” said Gref, noting the challenges of navigating messaging following the attacks. More.

Mayor Adams won’t release 9/11 toxin reports until NYC’s liability risk determined

Mayor Adams won’t be releasing any data about the toxic chemicals floating around Ground Zero after 9/11 until an “extensive legal review” determines the city’s liability risk, the Daily News has learned. More.

The psychiatrist who helped the 9/11 first responders overcome their trauma

My patients often seek help during the darkest of times: job loss, medical illness, and the loss of a loved one are just some of the challenges that can feel tremendously daunting. But what happens when several of these tragedies happen all at once, in one day, in one moment unexpectedly and so tragically? More.

September 11th Victim Compensation Fund decided more claims, paid most money in 2023

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund has awarded $12.8 billion to over 56,600 claimants since being reactivated in 2011 and last year decided more claims and issued more reward dollars than in any prior year, the fund said in its annual report. More.

Blood Drive In Hartsdale To Honor 9/11 First Responder

A blood drive will be held in the Hudson Valley in honor of a retired decorated New York Police Department sergeant and Hartsdale fire commissioner. Peter Woods, a beloved community leader and 9/11 first responder, died Jan. 9, 2021, of complications from 9/11-related leukemia. More.

Lost Witnesses and Faded Memories Impede Progress in Sept. 11 Case

Four years ago, in dramatic testimony, a U.S. psychologist described in open court how he had threatened to slit the throat of a young son of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the accused mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, if another Qaeda attack claimed the life of an American child. More.