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Scholarship, Sewing Patterns Developed to Honor Sisters Lost in Flight 3407

Why do only 8% of the tasteless toys at the 9/11 Museum gift shop claim to be Made in America?

After reliving September 11, 2001 all over again at the newly-opened 9/11 Museum, visitors can purchase stuffed animals, glass ornaments, World Trade Center-printed ties and other tasteless souvenirs at the gift shop, located just a few feet away from the final resting place of 8,000 unidentified remains of victims from the tragedy.

New Green Space To Honor Those Suffering From 9/11-Related Illnesses

House Republican committee votes to extend 9/11 property insurance against terrorism

A House Republican committee voted to extend a post 9/11 program that helps property owners in New York insure against terrorism — but Democrats say the measure is flawed and will raise insurance costs. Democrats on the House Financial Services all voted against the measure that would extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. More.

9/11 Is Not a Memory: For First Responders It's a Current Event Read Newsmax: 9/11 Is Not a Memory: For First Responders It's a Current Event

The Link Between 9/11 and Cancer Still Isn’t Entirely Clear

The New York Post reported Sunday that the number of cancer cases among 9/11 first respondents had more than doubled in the past year, from 1,140 to over 2,500. However, to scientists who specialize in analyzing such data, the number of cases cannot ever tell the full story. Dr. Roberto Lucchini is an epidemiologist and director of the World Trade Center Health Program Data Center at Mount Sinai Hospital, which treats and researches the police officers, construction workers, sanitation workers and iron workers who were among the first respondents on 9/11.

He showed up on 9/11 to volunteer his help, and now he’s sick. We must help him, legislator says

Statement on 4th Anniversary of the Passage of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act

Today is the fourth anniversary of the passage by Congress of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. We at 911 Health Watch would like to take this time to note the many ways in which the Zadroga law has helped those who were impacted by the health crisis caused by the September 11th attacks.