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July 6, 2008
I would like to invite 9/11 families, rescue workers and survivors to our annual Forum on September 10, 2008. This year's event, in partnership with the National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center, will be a Day of Remembrance that includes panel discussions, workshops, and 9/11 exhibits. The event will include an update on the design plans for the Memorial & Museum.

June 27, 2008
This week part of our team traveled to Tampa, Florida to host VOICES 9/11 Living Memorial workshops. During our visit we met with 9/11 family members along with firefighters and rescue workers who, following 9/11, traveled from Florida to New York to help the New York City firefighters.

June 20, 2008
Like most Americans, I was saddened by the untimely death of Tim Russert. As I listened to his memorial service yesterday, I was inspired by the consistent theme of his friend’s reflections about Tim’s life – his commitment to his family, friends, faith and our country.

June 13, 2008
It has been two weeks since our first-ever fundraising gala and we are finally catching our breath! I want to extend our warmest, most heartfelt thanks to the tapestry of individuals who made this wonderful evening possible.

May 23, 2008
As you can imagine our staff and volunteers are busy finalizing details for next weeks "Always Remember" Fundraising Gala. We have had a wonderful response on many levels – individuals who have generously donated their time as volunteers and committee members or provided an exciting array of auction items.

May 15, 2008
It is just two short weeks until our inaugural Always Remember gala that will raise critical funds to continue our important work creating the 9/11 Living Memorial digital archive. The gala will take place on Thursday, May 29th at the Greenwich Country Club in Greenwich, CT. We hope you will be able to join us!

May 9, 2008
As we celebrate Mother’s Day I’d like to share this poem as a tribute to the many ways they touch our lives. What is a Mother’s Love?

May 2, 2008
This is National Volunteer Week, a time when we acknowledge the dedicated individuals around the nation who play an instrumental role in supporting causes they care about. Since VOICES began, we have relied on countless individuals who have generously donated their time in a variety of ways.

April 25, 2008
Like many of you, I watched with anticipation Pope Benedict XVI’s pilgrimage to Ground Zero on television. The solemn ceremony brought back memories of the closing ceremony, so many years ago. I found the Pope’s presence very emotional as he blessed the hallowed ground and offered prayers of support and hope.

April 18, 2008
As I finalize this letter, Pope Benedict XVI is in New York City speaking to the General Assembly at the United Nations. On Sunday the Pope will visit Ground Zero to pray and bless the site. His historic pilgrimage reinforces the sacredness of the site where so many of our loved ones perished.