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  • Have You Taken Our Survey Yet?
    Have you had a chance to take our survey yet? We are asking our members to tell us what they see their needs will be for the 10th Anniversary and ongoing by filling out our survey. Do you live outside the metropolitan area and need help with transportation arrangements for the 10th Anniversary commemorative events? Is there an issue or problem you would like addressed at our September 10th forum? Now is a good time to tell us what you think! More.
  • VOICES Plans Its Spring Benefit
    It isn't too early to be thinking about spring - and definitely not too early to start thinking about the Spring "Always Remember" benefit. We are still finalizing our plans and beginning to solicit donations for the auction, which is always a fun part of the event.
  • Living Memorial Workshop in Rockville Center
    VOICES staff hosted workshops in the tri-state area including some new communities. On November 30th, VOICES conducted its first Living Memorial workshop held at the Rockville Centre Public Library. Staff members from both the CT and NJ offices, as well as family member volunteers, participated in the workshops. A family member from the Rockville Centre community helped to organize the workshop for eighteen family members and friends in the area.
  • Sheri Burkat Joins VOICES New Brunswick Office
    Sheri joins us as the Program Director at VOICES' NJ office. In addition to her party planning skills, she is a licensed social worker. Although Sheri has only been with us a few weeks, she has already participated in Living Memorial workshops on Long Island and in NJ. Sheri will manage the NJ office and will provide direct services to families, survivors and first responders through support groups, Living Memorial workshops, case management and community outreach.
  • Holiday Party on December 14th in New Brunswick, New Jersey
    The holidays is a wonderful time to gather together! We were glad to see old friends and new ones at our annual holiday party in our NJ office. The party was hosted by our NJ staff and it gave us the opportunity to introduce our newest staff member, Sheri Burkat. A few family members brought additional photographs to include in the Living Memorial. We also celebrated the news that Jamie Hakim's daughter was born on December 13th! Learn More.