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October 12, 2007
This week, photographer Brownie Harris, shared with me a selection of the family portraits he took of many of you at our "Preserving 9/11" Forum and Commemorative Luncheon. I was struck by the resiliency that was conveyed in so many of the photos.

October 5, 2007
This week I attended the Homeland Defense/Security Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In addition to hearing an update on the efforts of military and government agencies, I had an opportunity to meet with many individuals impacted by 9/11.

September 28, 2007
I want to begin by thanking all of you who attended the September 10th and 11th events. Despite the solemnity of our reason for gathering, it was wonderful to see each of you, some for the first time.

August 31, 2007
As the Sixth Anniversary is quickly approaching, it has been heartwarming to hear from so many of you that I’ve had the pleasure to meet over the past six years. Some are calling to make reservations to attend our upcoming Forum on September 10th and Commemorative Luncheon on September 11th.

August 24, 2007
The Sixth Anniversary is rapidly approaching and most of us feel a strong sense of anticipation. August has been a busy month for all of us at VOICES, as we put final touches on the agenda for the September 10th “Preserving 9/11” Forum and Exhibits and September 11th Commemorative luncheon.

August 10, 2007
Invitations to this year’s VOICES “Preserving 9/11” September 10th Forum and September 11th Commemorative Luncheon were sent out last week. Many family members have called this week to register for both events. I’d like to remind you that space is limited for the luncheon, so be sure to make your reservations early.

August 3, 2007
The signing of the “Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act of 2007” into law by President Bush today is a good step forward in protecting Americans from future terrorist attacks. I applaud the President's signature on a bill that takes critical steps towards legislating the outstanding 9/11 Commission recommendations.

July 27, 2007
We have included more details about the upcoming September 10th Forum and September 11th Commemorative Luncheon. This years forum, “Preserving 9/11”, will be an opportunity for families, rescue workers, survivors and corporations to learn more about the 9/11 Living Memorial project and hear from experts on how to preserve your priceless photographs and other 9/11 mementos.

July 12, 2007
Many thanks to all those who answered the 9/11 families action alert this week. We received good news from Washington that Senate conferees have been appointed and the House will soon follow suit. The 9/11 legislation must now pass through the House/Senate conference process and be forwarded to the President for signature.

July 3, 2007
July 4th is a time to commemorate the founding of our nation and celebrate the accomplishments of our founders. Through much debate and compromise they produced an enduring model of government.