Robert Hayes | March 18, 2010
Robert Hayes, aka Bob, was working the graveyard shift as a supervisor for a transportation company. After work, Bob would go to Chase Bank near WTC to do his father's banking as his father traveled a lot. The morning of the 1993 WTC bombing, Bob called his father at 8am asking if it would be ok to take care of the banking the following morning as he had a rough night at work. His father said it wouldn't be a problem. So instead of his usual routine of getting to the bank at 9am, running some errands and before leaving the city to go to his home in NJ, eating lunch at a bar near the entrance of the PATH train, Bob went straight home. Otherwise, he would have been right there at the exact time of the bombing.
Bob was thankful of this situation, but didn't really feel affected until the 2001 attacks, when he realized the severity of the intent in 1993.
Bob's family friend was Father Judge. His uncle, Father Chris Keenan, took over for Father Judge August 2002.