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Intersection of Rivercrest Boulevard and Roaring Springs Drive
Allen, TX 75013
United States
Date Created:
Dedicated to:

Those who have lost their lives to terrorism, especially those of September 11, 2001.

Contact Information:

This memorial was documented as part of the U.S. Forest Service Living Memorials Project National Registry

Reason site was selected: The site was available and needed to be restored. The community was was very enthusiastic about backing the project. The garden is planted with native perennials to show the value of using low-maintenance, low-water-use native plants in gardens. A neighbor raises and lowers the U.S. flag daily. The Allen Parks and Recreation Department maintains the park year-round.

Events planned for site: Tulips and Trains Arbor Day Festival, April 2003. If the City of Allen is selected as a the site for the State Arbor Day Celebration, then an special event would be held here at the garden.

Do you believe your memorial is a sacred place?: It represents a living memorial dedicated to the memory of those who have lost their lives to terrorism, especially on September 11, 2001.