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Ramapo, NY 10901
United States
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Victims Listed:
Yin Ping Wong "Steven"

Reason site was selected The living memorial begins at the edge of a forest clearing, on a hillside that overlooks the Hudson Valley region. There is a path that will take visitors down into the park and around the recreation complex. The living memorial is intended to offer a place for serenity and peace as well as for the public to engage, walk and talk along a tree-lined path. The living memorial committee has been busy selecting tree species and building consensus on the ultimate message that this memorial will leave our next generation. Ramapo Parks and Recreation representatives Michelle Antosca and Sharon Hendler hope that "in 100 years this living memorial will still be here." Events planned for site:There will be annual events held at this site. However,each time there is a sporting event the national anthem is played. The flagpole marks one end of the "celebration of life" memorial giving it an honored place in our daily lives. Do you believe your memorial is a sacred place? In the sense that this place is very important to our community, it is a sacred place. In the sense that sports bring people together and are something we share in common with the international community, it is a sacred place. Many people, young and old, use these facilities with their families and friends. In this way, it is a very special and sacred part of our lives.