Dedicated to Ex-Chief Peter Murray, and also those protecting the borough as volunteer firefighters
The Firemen's Memorial Park was dedicated to Ex-Chief and former Councilman Peter Murray, along with those who were dedicated to protecting the borough as volunteer firefighters. Among those honored for their bravery and service to the East Rutherford Fire Department were 256 individuals who have passed away, and who now are forever eternally named on one of the splendid new granite plinths that adorn the park. The park’s honored deceased also includes Father Mychal Judge who served at St. Joseph’s Church in East Rutherford and lost his life attempting to save the lives of fallen New York Fire Department (NYFD) members during the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, Sept. 11, 2001. Also honored in granite is former East Rutherford Fire Department volunteer firefighter Dennis G. Taormina Jr. who lost his life at the Twin Towers. Dennis Taormina was Vice President of Finance at Marsh and McLennan when two passenger airliners were flown into both towers of the World Trade Center, Sept. 11, 2001.