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Top of the World Way & Warren Ave.
Green Brook, NJ 08812
United States
Dedicated to:

those lost on September 11.


The Green Brook, - Garden of Remembrance was dedicated on September 11, 2005. “An enclave would be created on a wooded slope near the Park entrance. A meandering pathway would lead from the parking area to a circular patio embraced by a stone wall. On the wall, bronze plaques would list the names of ALL The Lost from that horrific day. Above the wall three flags would fly.”
The centerpiece of the Garden is the steel recovered from Ground Zero. It “forges a link between the Lost and the Left Behind (…) Bent and scarred by the tremendous heat; when standing erect, the piece suggests a human figure raising NJ 9/11 Memorial its arms heavenward in a gesture of supplication (…) a tangible, durable remnant of the living structure, both a victim and a witness to its own destruction (…) its uplifted arms orient toward and actually embrace the intercept of latitude and longitude where the towers once stood. The steel would be left in its natural, unfinished state - to rust - and in so doing, to shed a blood-like stain onto the stones below.”