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NE 25th Street & Silver Springs Blvd.
Ocala, FL 34479
United States
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Keep America Beautiful asked all its affliates throughout the United States to plant a Liberty Garden to honor those who lives were taken on September 11, 2001. The site purpose is to provide a living tribute to our nation and the resilience and strength of its people. As a result, there were many volunteers working together on this planting. Reason site was selected: The site was selected because it is adjacent to Veteran's Park and this area has meaning to local residents. The site is open to the public, accessible and the existing gazebo area encourages visitors to sit and reflect peacefully on the meaning of this living memorial Events planned for site: We plan to continue our care of the site and encourage additional plantings overtime. We are hoping to plant 80 additional trees in adjacent Veteran's Park to further define the area as a memorial. Do you believe your memorial is a sacred place?: When a place is dedicated in honor of lives lost or sacrifice. We hope the community will come to recognize this as a sacred and special place.