Dedicated to:
The twenty family and friends who were lost on September 11, 2001.
Victims Listed:
Richard A. Aceto Lawrence I. Beck
Gary R. Box
Dennis M. Carey Sr.
Michael Joseph Cawley
Lt. Kevin W. Donnelly
William Esposito "Billy/Scoop"
Lee S. Fehling
Bruce Gary
Charles Wilson Magee
Brian G. McDonnell
Joseph Mistrulli
Manuel Mojica Jr.
Kevin Prior
Adam David Rand
Karen Helene Schmidt
Robert Sliwak
Andrew Stern
Lonny J. Stone
Paul Talty
Stone memorial plated with granite, with the NYC skyline, names of the twenty victims from the area, as well as an inscription below.
Inscription reads: Now and then, in the course of our everyday lives, we are faced with a situation where we can choose to put another person's needs before our own. And every now and then, that unselfish decision of behalf of a neighbor, a coworker or even a stranger-can change another person's destiny and, at the same time our own, in that moment... real people become real heros.