Christmas Party at Diane's work

Christmas time; Al in the kitchen

Christmas at home; Al, Dodgers fan
Hospital Birth Picture; Albert Joseph, Stephanie's baby

Matthew Receiving his Masters Degree

Matt & Danielle

Friend's basement; All with Brian, John & Matthew teaching his son's weightlifting

Matthew's graduation from Middlesex

Family Photo - Diane, Diane's Mom, Al, Matthew, Stephanie, twins John & Brian

Backyard BBQ, Diane & Al

Backyard; Al with wife & kids; Reenactment of family photo from the earlier years

Christmas 1996; Al with his great nephew at sister house

Al, Diane & Grand Neice in San Diego; 1st vacation that Diane flew, used to drive on trips with kids

Matthew, Stephanie, Brian, Diane & John before Stephanie's Wedding Ceremony at home

Stephanie & John at Freehold (Stephanie's wedding)

Brian & John's Birthday

After Matthew's Policy graduation in New York City

Al & Stephanie; Al's golf clubs in background

John Jay College
Younger Years; 1st Holy Communion

Al with his good friends in the early 60's

In the service, stateside. His duty was extended due to the Cuban Missile Crisis

Al & Mom outside church

Al's High School Graduation

Al at the gym
Al with co-workers playing golf

Al with co-workers playing golf

Al with co-workers playing golf

Al with co-workers playing golf

Pine Brook Golf Course, Al's hole in one!

Al's hole in one!

The 9/11 Memorial Bridge
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Rest in peace Albert
Rest in peace Albert
Posted by "K"
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