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Anonymous (not verified)

February 17, 2020

Ms. Nelly Braginsky
I had the pleasure of working with your son in the early 1990's. He was truly a kind and gentle man. All you say about him is true. He made a difference in my life because he was so willing to share his knowledge with me so unselfishly. The world suffers a great loss without people like Alex in it. God bless you for making him the man he was. His memory does live on outside your own heart.

C. Mesagno

Anonymous (not verified)

February 17, 2020

I remember you this year and every year. I still have the gloves and CD s you gave me. I will always remember your kindness and chivalry.

Published by Irena Simis

Anonymous (not verified)

February 17, 2020

Nelly, I remember Alex each year. A former colleague at Reuters, always found him smart and fun to talk to. I never knew we were born the very same day in 1963, so going forward I'll always share my birthday with him.

Best wishes,

Posted by Simon Barrell

Anthony Curcio (not verified)

September 12, 2022

Hi. Nelly I'm sorry for your loss. I spoke to Alex a couple of times. At JC Penney in Queens NY, where I worked with his wife Angela. I lost contact with them when they moved to Connecticut. I saw a few articles and heard his name over the years. Send my regards to Angela

Posted by Anthony Curcio

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Place of Residence:
Stamford, CT
Location on 9/11:
Reuters NY | Foreign Exchange Products Manager
Alexander Braginsky Memorial Scholarship

Alexander Braginsky was born on May 10, 1963 in Odessa, USSR Lost on September 11, 2001 in New York WTC terrorist attack that took lives of almost 3000 people. His mother Nelly Braginsky remembers: " My son grew up to be a composed and very bright man. Alex had many friends that used to fill our house with joy and excitement". In 1979, the family immigrated to the United States. They came to Queens, New York, and started new life, and found new friends. The family went through many difficult and successful times. Alex's biggest successes were achieved in school. His teachers would say, "Everyone, absolutely everyone loved him". He graduated High School and Queens College with honors. Alex graduated as a foreign exchange products manager and specialized in computers. Alex was always devoted to work and public service. He would say: "The United states gave me everything. Now it's time for me to give back". And he did. He helped new immigrants to settle down and adjust to a new society. Alex found a new hobby - cooking. And as always, everything he did, he did with grace and dedication. He cooked astonishing dishes and was diligent and particular about their beautiful presentation before setting them in front of his friends. Alex's friends remember him as a friend, a teacher, and a brother that will be missed dearly. Today his mom keeps Alex's memory alive. She funded a park in Haifa and opened scholarship at Queens College in his name. "I even now do not believe, that Shurik (Alex) is gone, it is impossible, he is and always will exist."