NORTH SMITHFIELD - A memorial service for Amy Nicole Jarret, 28, of 8 Park View Drive, who died Tuesday aboard United Airlies Flight 175 in New York when the hijacked aircraft was crashed into the World Trade Center, will be celebrated Sunday at noon in Fort Adams State Park, Newport. Born in Providence on Oct. 3, 1972, a daughter of Aram P. Jarret Jr. of North Smithfield and Marilyn R. (Dorr) Trudeau of Lincoln, and a stepdaughter of Bruce A. Trudeau of Lincoln, she had lived in Woonsocket before moving to North Smithfield five years ago. Miss Jarret was a flight attendant for United Airlines for over five years, based in Boston, and had previously been employed by American Eagle Airlines for 18 months. She was a graduate of Mount St. Charles Academy, Class of 1990, where she was a member of the National Honor Society and the Drama Club. She graduated from Villanova University in 1994 with a marketing degree. Active in theater, she was a member of the Theatre Company of Rhode Island, and the New England Theatre Associates Company, appearing in the plays Cheaper by the Dozen and Man of Lamancha. In 1989, she starred as Anne Frank in the New England Associates presentation of The Diary of Anne Frank. She was second runner-up in the Miss Teen Rhode Island Pageant in 1988, and first runner-up in the Rhode Island Young Woman of the Year pageant in 1990. While in high school, Miss Jarrett was awarded a Kiwanis Club scholarship, served as class secretary, and was an active member of the student council. She was a mathematics tutor and volunteer for the Northern Rhode Island Chapter of the Rhode Island Association for Retarded Citizens. She also volunteered at the Mount St. Francis Nursing Home, and served on the Beautification Committee and Holocaust Commemorative Committee for the City of Woonsocket. Besides her parents, she leaves two sisters, Alicia N. Curran and Jessica R. Jarret, both of North Smithfield; three brothers, Aram P. "Jay" Jarret III of Riverside, and Matthew R. and Marc D. Jarret, both of North Smithfield; her paternal grandmother, Mrs. Aram P. Jarret of Narragansett; her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Philip G. Dorr of Rumford; three nephews; and her boyfriend of five years, Kyle Rusconi of Philadelphia. She was the granddaughter of the late Philip G. Dorr Sr. and Aram P. Jarret Sr. Providence Journal (RI) - Monday, September 17, 2001
To all of AMY's family
To all of AMY's family members. I just want you to know I think about AMY everyday. I miss her so much I couldn't wait to get to work when I new I was flying with her. I have had here picture on my flight bag for over 7 years now. She still flies with me and will never ever be forgotten.
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