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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Andrew was my friend and my next door neighbor. He was also my alarm clock as my dog Henry would greet him enthusiastically each morning when he returned from swimming. Today my little boy asked about all of the flags outside the fire station and we talked about the terrible terrible day when mommy lived in NYC. and something very bad happened. We talked about bad guys about heroes and about all of the people that were special to us that we lost. I lived at 5 East 67th Street until 2010. And apartment 3C was always Andrews in my mind. Each year I find it on memorials and I think of him of Stephanie and his brothers faces when the door to 3C was finally answered. He was a swimmer just like you I told my son when we looked up his picture on this site.

Published by Lisa Friedlander Magnus

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

What a beautiful memorial Maria! I have been searching all these years for more and more...something more from Andrew and you supplied it! Thank you so much for all your work in this wonderful memorial. I will come back and add even more pictures with Andrew s NYC friends. Andrew will forever be in my heart. He was a wonderful friend. Lots of love to you and your family.

Published by McKenzie

Hi McKenzie!

I’m so glad you found this! I have often though if you and your husband and the many fun times I shared with you and Andrew. You were such a dear friend of his. It was so hard to find people after he died. I’m glad you found us. I would live to hear about your life and your family.

Mfishercnm [at]
Write to me so time!

Xo Maria

Harald Mueller (not verified)

September 11, 2022

I met Andrew in 1982 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for the first time. Soon we were best friends, also because Andrew turned my horrible English into a halfway understandable English. We had a lot of fun in Canada. In 1985 Andrew became our best man in Germany. In 1987 he accompanied us partly through our one month trip to the USA. One winter after that, he cursed us when we plumbed him down a black slope on skis in Val d'Isère, France. In the early 90's he acted, among other things, as a babysitter on one of our vacations in Austria. I never lost touch with one of my best friends. At the beginning of September 2001, we spoke on the phone several times about professional and private matters. On September 11, 2001, I unfortunately only caught his answering machine. Unfortunately, he was already on his way. Unfortunately on the wrong day to the wrong place. My wife Gaby, my family, friends and all who had the chance to meet Andrew will never forget him!

Posted by Harald Mueller

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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
Imagine Software Inc. | Director - Internet Sales
The New York Times Portraits of Grief
Swim for the Future

Andrew Fisher was driving his family to Kennedy International Airport in August when he noticed that his newly wed sister, Maria, was still carrying her bouquet. He pulled over to the curb, opened the door, and made everyone get out. Then, as angry drivers honked, he gleefully snapped pictures of the bride tossing her bouquet.

"It was very funny," said Christina Fisher, the sister who caught the bouquet. "My brother was kind of a big kid. He always had a need for laughter and was very playful. That was the side of him that I miss most."

Mr. Fisher, 42, a sales manager for Imagine Software, was attending a seminar at Cantor Fitzgerald on the day the World Trade Center was attacked. A veteran traveler, he had lived in Amsterdam; Sydney, Australia; and Edmonton, Alberta; before settling into the East Side of Manhattan. He swam laps every morning and competed in races, but never talked about how he did. When his family unpacked his gym bag, they found a third-place medal buried under goggles and swimming trunks.

Profile published in THE NEW YORK TIMES on October 11, 2001.