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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
Newmarket, ON
Location on 9/11:
Marsh & McLennan | Chief Information Officer & Managing Director
Karachi University

His friends remember Bernard Mascarenhas in the small gestures. In Toronto: taking a junior colleague to her first business lunch, at Hy’s Steakhouse. In Karachi: buying a Coke for a school friend who couldn’t afford one himself.

Sometimes his kindness was more than a gesture. It was grand.

Brussels: he flew there to comfort his co-worker, Marc Vanderstichelen, when his 23-year-old daughter died.

He was also modest.

“We grew up together in the old country,” Francis Misquita says from Edmonton. They were Goans living in Pakistan. Their friendship spanned 35 years. “We called him Bonny,” he says.

Mascarenhas was the smart one in their group. “If we wanted help in math and science, he was the go to person for us.”

Mascarenhas became a success — not that he would boast. “We came from the same background, computers. But he would never disclose the high level at which he worked. The humility, that was quite the striking thing.”

A father of two who lived in Newmarket, he was chief information officer for Marsh Canada in Toronto and was fatefully at a meeting at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11.

He was loved.

By his children, who could tease him about his mid-life obsession with bridge. “How anyone got any work done in Marsh with dad continually asking them questions always amazed me,” Sven, now a lawyer, said at his father’s memorial service at St. Michael’s Cathedral.

By his co-workers, who 10 years on write online memorials as if their hearts were still raw.

“I know I never told this to you — but you have played a significant influence on who I have become,” Craig Hayashi wrote. “For that I am a better person. . ."