AON Corporation
| Vice President, Mergers and Acquisitions
Dedicated Memorial Sites:
Long Island 9/11 MemorialQueen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Garrison Elementary School American Patriot Garden
Betty, we knew you as a…
Betty, we knew you as a volunteer first responder, an EMT in the Port Chester-Rye-Rye Brook Ambulance Corps. Your caring dedication to helping your fellow citizens was always evident. Your expertise in finance was an asset to the organization. You will always be missed, you will never be forgotten.
Posted by Deb Leef
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