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Patrick OHara (not verified)

September 13, 2021

There are two memorials to Cathy in Wellsville Ohio, her home town. One at First and Lisbon St and the other at the Wellsville High School

Posted by Patrick OHara

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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
AON Corporation | Assistant Vice President, Property Claims

On September 11, 2001, Cathy was near her office in the South Tower, when the first plane hit the other tower. Being a VP and in charge of the office, she had evacuated the staff and then called Chicago to tell them that everyone was OK. Next she called her former boss in Cincinnati to tell him all was OK, and he was shocked that she was not out of the building. Catherine explained that the public address system urged people to remain in their offices, but she had evacuated the staff and was just ready to leave herself. It was then that the phone call ended.

Catherine Patricia Salter was 49 years old and from New York, NY. Catherine worked as an assistant vice president in the property claims department at Aon Corp on the 102 floor in the South Tower of the World Trade Center.