Pictures of Carlos from birth through seven years old, collected by his brother, Benjamin.

A song written for Carlos for his graduation from NYU in 1984.

Memorial card representing a tree planted in Israel in Carlos' honor. Donated by friends of Carlos.

The reverse side of a memorial card representing a tree planted in Israel in Carlos' honor.

A certificate representing a star which was named for Carlos in 2001.

A photo of a flag which was carried into space by the Space Shuttle Endeavour in December 2001 in honor of those who lost their lives on September 11th.

Reverse of gifted tatted heart memorial.

The program for the 156th commencement of New York University.

A tatted heart memorial gifted to Carlos' family.
News article from the Herald remembering Carlos.

News article from the Herald memorializing Carlos and other East Meadow residents.

News article from the Herald memorializing Carlos and other East Meadow residents.
Cover page of the memorial program on October 14, 2001.

Pages 1 and 2 of the memorial program.

Pages 3 and 4 of the memorial program.
A picture of the MMC Memorial.

The proposal for the MMC Memorial Project.

The reverse side of the proposal for the MMC Memorial Project.
A photo taken at a party in 1999.

A photo taken at an event held at the Knights of Columbus in 1996.

A photo of Carlos and Maureen at their wedding in 1990.

A photo of Carlos and Maureen at a wedding in 1999.

Carlos and Maureen in their engagement photo in 1989.

A photo of Carlos and Maureen working at a dance marathon at NYU for the Hydrocephalus Foundation. They were assigned to "watching coats".
A picture of Carlos in front of his childhood home in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, in 1997.

A photo of Carlos at his niece's birthday party in September 2000.

A photo of Carlos at Disney in 1998.

A photo of Carlos in Walt Disney World in 1989.

A photo of Carlos at his surprise 25th birthday party.

A photo of Carlos at his 25th birthday party holding his new Blair Thomas jersey.

An undated photo of Carlos.
A photo of Carlos with his family.

A photo of Carlos and his daughter, Michelle, at Michelle's naming ceremony in 2000.

A photo of Carlos and his family at the naming ceremony of his third daughter, Michelle, at the Community Reform Temple in 2000.

A photo of Carlos and his daughter in Disney's Magic Kingdom in 1998.

A photo of Carlos and his daughter at Disney in 1996.

A photo of Carlos and his family at Disney in 1998.

A photo of Carlos and Amanda at her Christening in 1996.

A photo of Carlos and his family on Christmas in 1996.

A photo of Carlos with his niece, Melissa, in September 2000.

A photo of Carlos with his daughter, Maria, in 1994.

A photo of Carlos with his daughter, Maria, in 1992.

A photo of Carlos with his new baby, Maria, on July 5, 1992.
A photo taken at Amanda's christening in 1996.

A photo taken at the Bankers Trust office Christmas party in 1998.

A photo of Carlos' daughter, Michelle, with his father, Benjamin, at her naming ceremony in 2000.

A photo of Carlos and his brother, Benjamin, and cousin, Harve, at his wedding in 1990.

A photo with Carlos' grandmother and aunt, Fanny, at his wedding on February 17, 1990.

A photo of Carlos and his family at their first Christmas in their new home in 2000.

A photo of Carlos with dad at the Guardian of Angels Church Festival.

A photo of Carlos and Maureen, with friends, Joey and Melissa Vitala, at Atlantic City in 1989.

A photo of Carlos on his 25th birthday with friends, Craig Wolff and Mike Forkash.

Carlos at his brother's wedding in 1989.

A photo of Carlos "pinning" Maureen's brother, Kevin, at the Circle K Club at NYU.

A photo of Carlos and his future sister-in-law, Lori, at college graduation in 1984.

A photo of Carlos and Maureen at Maureen's prom in 1986.

A photo of Carlos and friends at NYU in 1983.

A photo of Carlos and other members of the Circle K Club at NYU in 1984.

A photo of Carlos' daughters with his parents, Eugenie and Benjamin, in 1996.
A sign posted at a run held in 2002 in Carlos' honor, submitted by Melissa Vitale.

A photo of Carlos' daughter, Maria, with Lenard Kampi at a memorial for Carlos in 2008.
A photo of Lower Manhattan taken by a family in Los Angeles in 2000.
A photo of Carlos at NYU's Circle K Club in his freshman year of college.

A photo of Carlos after his graduation from Lincoln High School in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Carlos' college graduation photo.

A photo of Carlos at age 9.
Captioned picture of Carlos' daughter.

Card from daughter on Carlos' last Father's Day.

Reverse of card from daughter on Carlos' last Father's Day.

Reverse of card from daughter on Carlos' last Father's Day.
Carlos' business card from his time as a Data Entry Consultant.

Carlos' first Kiwanis Club membership card from 1989.

Carlos' Knights of Columbus membership card from 1992.

Long Island 9/11 Memorial
Marsh & McLennan September 11th Memorial
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
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