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Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

Claribel: We miss you dearly. Your passing was not fair however it has made us realize how important every life is meant to family and friends. We will never forget you. Also Happy Birthday on 9/6. Love you forever.

Posted by Luis and Rosie Sanchez

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

Although so many years have passed since your passing and so many years have passed since I last saw you perhaps 1985 was the last time i saw you. I was horrified to learn of your tragic and horrible passing. We dated in junior high and your passing still bothers me to this day and always will. You're at peace now and may you and the good lord look over and protect your family.
Posted by Eddie

Anonymous (not verified)

February 24, 2020

I'm so sorry for the way you passed on. It's still so unbelievable that something of the magnitude had happened. I'm sure you were a great person and had a happy family. I would imagine that this would be very hard for them, losing a daughter maybe even a wife or mother, at a very young age. It was so unexpected and unfair to you. I just hope you Rest in Peace with every other victim or hero that died that day. Your memory will still live on.

Posted by Kelly Thompson

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