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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
Cantor Fitzgerald | Senior programmer analyst

Daniel (Igor) Ilkanayev was born on December 22 1964 in the city of Baku (Azerbaydzhan). Daniel worked as manager of information systems for E-Speed Company operated by Cantor Fitzgerald, located on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center. Daniel was a caring son, a loving father and husband.

All his life Daniel was a leader and a good student. In his school Daniel was a President of the International Friendship Club and he was fluent in English. His school nickname was Pythagoras because of his excellent math skills. Daniel graduated from the Baku State University with the major in applied mathematics. He became a programmer. Upon graduation he was asked to stay at the university. He taught programming.

Daniel dreamt of becoming a journalist. During his college years he was a correspondent of the newspaper "Youth of Azerbaydzhan". His articles were regularly published there. Daniel was also a chess player. He started playing chess when he was only four years old. Once, he was chosen to play in the team of the best chess players and went to Sweden for the tournament. Daniel was seriously involved with sports, especially martial arts and fencing. He was an intellectual. Thanks to his skills, knowledge and mastery of English, Daniel landed a programming job six months after arriving to the United States.

In a short period of time he successfully moved in his professional carrier from a regular programmer, to project leader, to a manager of the solid American corporation.

Daniel was kind, compassionate and always ready to help anyone who needed his help. He was a beautiful person with a beautiful soul; noble and deeply honest.

One of Daniel's newspaper articles was titled "Business trip to Earth". Probably, on September 11, 2001 the time of his trip was up. He flashed like a bright star and flew away into the celestial world, leaving an eternal feeling of loss to his grieving parents.