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Place of Residence:
Greenlawn, NY
New York Police Department | Captain, Manhattan South Task Force
Hobbies and Special Interests:
Running his pizzeria

Retired Capt. Douglas Greenwood, an NYPD officer who worked 40 days straight at Ground Zero following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, died amid an ongoing battle with lung disease.

The 61-year-old, who began a second career as owner of the famous Bleecker Street Pizza after 26 years with the NYPD.

As captain of the Manhattan South Task Force, he was in charge of all the NYPD boots on the ground.

"He'd be commanding the scene, but he also did grunt work -- everybody pitched in," Ralph Friedman, an author, TV personality and retired detective who was Greenwood's friend for 25 years, said. "Everyone was sifting through the scene for bodies, body parts."

His brother Gregory said he never married or had kids.

"He was married to the NYPD and pizza."