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Claudia B. (not verified)

November 04, 2024

Jackie sounds like me, a hard-working, independent woman who loved her family above all. I am very sorry her loved ones lost her and I hope they know she's alive through all of them, I hope her memories make them smile.

Posted by Claudia B.

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In Remembrance
Location on 9/11:
Windows on the World | Catering Sales Manager
The New York Times Portraits of Grief
The Jackie Sayegh Duggan Charitable Foundation

Nicknamed "The Gap," Jackie Sayegh Duggan was the oldest grandchild -- and the only girl -- in both of her parents' families.

"Grandparents to parents to cousins. She organized all the family events," said George Sayegh, her father. "The Christmas parties, the Thanksgiving dinners. She made sure everything was in order and everyone was at the right place."

Her work was only a natural extension of her family role: Mrs. Duggan, 34, booked banquets and parties for Windows on the World. "She loved that job. She thought she was on the top of the world," said Diana Sayegh, her mother.

Mrs. Duggan married Mitchell Duggan, a former colleague, last March, but the two planned to hold the reception this coming March when the family could gather in Manhattan from all corners of the world. The party specialist was finally organizing something for herself. As they grieve this holiday season, her parents will call off the family Christmas dinner for the first time in 35 years.