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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
Marlboro, NJ
Location on 9/11:
Cantor Fitzgerald | Partner/Bond Broker
The New York Times Portraits of Grief
Jason David Cayne Scholarship Award

“A piece of us has been taken away:
A piece that glowed with the warmth of friendship.
A piece that brought beauty into this world.
A piece that was our kindred spirit.
A piece that will live on forever in our memories.”

Blessed with boundless charisma, Jake was the kind of guy that everyone wanted as his best friend. Whether you were snow or water skiing, weight training at the gym, or just hanging around the house, you were having a great time with Jake. The place wasn’t important, just the time being spent together.

Blessed with the love of a beautiful, adoring woman and three precious daughters, Jake was the consummate family man. Since he and wife Gina first met in their teens, they were inseparable. Jake and Gina became names that seemed to just fit together…to belong together. They shared life’s joys and challenges throughout high school, college, marriage, and eventually, parenthood.

Blessed with three precious daughters, Jake was never happier than when spending time with his daughters. Each a fitting reflection of their parents’ love, Suzann, Marissa and Raquel had a daddy who enjoyed nothing more than spending time with them, whether it was out to breakfast on Sundays or cheering at soccer games. Jake’s girls can rest assured that he’s not missing one second of their lives. He’s just watching it all from a different angle.

We are all blessed to have known him.
Todd Hirsch, Friend