Dedicated Memorial Sites:
9/11 Memorial Stained Glass Window at Corr ChapelQueen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Garrison Elementary School American Patriot Garden
I leave this message humbly
I leave this message humbly and with tears in my eye I've never known Mr. Dingle but today I run a 9 hr. 11 min. memorial run on Lackland AFB Tx. I didn't want Mr. Dingle to be just some name on a paper that I run for. I will run till I cannot anymore and he will be my inspiration.
Posted by Martin S. Moya
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