This picture was taken at home during a family gathering Easter 1996. John was very devoted to his brothers and sisters and "family" was important to him.
Rear: Amy Schroeder (sister), John Schroeder
Front: Matt Schroeder (brother), Erin Schroeder (sister)

Christmas Family Photo
Erin (sister), Tim (Cousin), Amy (sister), Rob (cousin) and Matt (brother) and John is holding nephew, Conor.
Taken in Mass.

Thankgiving in Huntington NY
Matt, Jack, Amy
Erin and John is sitting in front.

Family Photo
Jimmy (uncle), John, Jack (dad) and Erin (sister)

Brother Matt's graduation from UPenn

Last family photo taken, Nonie died in Jan 27, 1997
Amy, Erin, John, Mom, Matt, Dad
Taken in Disney World.

John Schroeder on the golf course

John Schroeder with his family.

John Schroeder with his family at Christmas

John Schroeder with two others

John Schroeder with his mother

John Schroeder with his family at his high school graduation from St. Anthony's High School

John Schroeder with his family

John Schroeder at a graduation

John Schroeder with his family

John Schroeder with his family

John Schroeder with his family at Christmas

John Schroeder at a graduation

In memory of John Schroeder

John Schroeder and family

John and friends

Family Thanksgiving, 2000

Family Thanksgiving, 2000

Senior Princeton Class of 1992 created scholarship fund, First recipient award 2007

John, Jack and Matt for golf weekend in Stratton, VT. (1992)
John gave weekend to father as a birthday present.

John visiting Amy when Conor was born, August 2000.
John, Conor (nephew), Amy

John, Matt and Jack golfing

John, Matt and Jack golfing

John with cousins and uncles on Thanksgiving in 1996

John with Matt on Matt's graduation at St. Anthonys High School, 1995

John in Chile with friends, 1998

John as Erin's Confirmation sponsor, 1996-1997

John as Erin's Confirmation sponsor, 1996-1997

John as Elvis, February 14, 1998

John as Elvis, February 14, 1998

John as Elvis, February 14, 1998

Home in Commack, NY during Christmas, 1996

Home in Commack, NY during Christmas, 1996
Photo was taken in Christ the King School in Commack NY as a 6th grader

Family Photo
Mary(Grandmother), Matt (brother), Amy (sister), Erin (sister), Nonie(Mom) and John at the age of 12.

John and all his cousins taken in Commack NY

Disney 15th Anniversary, 1st Family Vacation.
John, Mom, Amy, Erin, Matt in Epcot.

Family Christimas Photo
Nonie (Mom), Amy, John, Jack, Erin and Matt

Family Easter
Mother (Nonie), Grandmother Mary holding John, Father Jack in Commack NY

John and Aunt Maura

John's 1st Birthday, Commack NY

Family Photo, Mother's Day 1972

John, age 3

Family Photo, Easter 1979 in Commack NY, Amy, Matt and John

Family photo, Easter in 1980, in Massachusetts
Amy, Nonie, Jack Matt and John

John Schroeder with his family at a birthday celebration.

Amy when Conor was born, August 2000.

Playing outside in the snow

John's Toy, 1973-1974

John and Mom, Nonie at Bear Mountain, 1972-1973

John's first golf lesson with Dad at home in Commack, NY, 1972

Childhood photo of John

Childhood photo of John

Childhood photo of John

Childhood photo of John

Family birthday in Wellfleet, MA
John, Erin, Matt, Amy, Jack

John's first year. John, Nonie and Jack in 1971.

John through the years, childhood

John through the years, childhood

John through the years, childhood

John through the years, childhood

John through the years, childhood

John through the years, childhood

John through the years, childhood

John through the years, childhood

John through the years, childhood

John's Christening cake, 1970

Family sightseeing trip when John was in third grade

Family sightseeing trip

Family sightseeing trip when John was in third grade

Family sightseeing trip when John was in third grade
Thanksgiving Family Photo
Erin (sister), Sean (Uncle), Tim (Cousin), Joannie (aunt), Mary (grandmother), Rob (cousin), Amy (sister), Matt (brother) and John

This photos was taken before the "Thanksgiving Turkery Bowl" game in 1996 in Commack NY
Robbie (uncle), Maura (cousin), Jack (Dad), Jimmy (uncle), Matt (brother), Amy (sister), Erin (sister), John, Rob (cousin), and Tim (cousin)

Nonie (Mom), John and Jack (Mom)
Taken in Philadelphia PA after winning the 1992 NCAA Lacrosse Championship against Syracuse Univ.

John graduated from Princeton, Class of 1992, as a history major

John Schroeder at his graduation

John at graduation from Princeton, 1992

John Schroeder at his graduation

John Schroeder at his graduation

John's 21st birthday, 1991

John dressed up

John and friend, 1991

John and friend, 1992

Day of winning lacrosse national championship on Memorial Day weekend, 1992 in Philadelphia

Day of winning lacrosse national championship on Memorial Day weekend, 1992 in Philadelphia

Day of winning lacrosse national championship on Memorial Day weekend, 1992 in Philadelphia

Day of winning lacrosse national championship on Memorial Day weekend, 1992 in Philadelphia

1992 NCAA Division I lacrosse championship team picture at Princeton, NJ

Senior team picture of the 1992 NCAA Division I lacrosse team

1992 NCAA Division I lacrosse championship team picture at Princeton, NJ

1992 NCAA Division I lacrosse championship

Tobay lacrosse club champions

John's Fundraising Fashion show at St. Anthony's High School

John at Mayo Beach in Cape Cod, August 1986

John working at Lighthouse Restaurant in Wellfleet, MA

John working at Lighthouse Restaurant in Wellfleet, MA

John working at Lighthouse Restaurant in Wellfleet, MA
Photo taken of John with his fake teeth pretending to sing into a microphone (broom handle)

Christmas 2000
John's new look he was torn between College and Wall Street.

Photo of John

John with fake teeth being a clown, New Orleans

Christmas at Disneyworld 1996
NCAA Division I Lacrosse Championship trophy - Princeton

John's Parody. Won lacrosse championship, John wrote for the school newspaper, wrote as a joke.
St. Anthony's High School in Long Island, NY - 1988

John's Parody. Won lacrosse championship, John wrote for the school newspaper, wrote as a joke.
St. Anthony's High School in Long Island, NY - 1988

In memory of John Schroeder

In memory of John Schroeder

Christmas poem sent after 9/11

Christmas poem sent after 9/11

Memorial at St. Anthony's High School

Memorial at St. Anthony's High School
Prayer Card
Long Island Metropolitan Lacrosse Foundation Memorial Dedication program

Long Island Metropolitan Lacrosse Foundation Memorial Dedication program

Long Island Metropolitan Lacrosse Foundation Memorial Dedication program

Long Island Metropolitan Lacrosse Foundation Memorial Dedication program

Memorial Program - September 29, 2001

Memorial Program - September 29, 2001

Memorial Program - September 29, 2001

Memorial Program - September 29, 2001
John's Newsday Article
New Jersey Living Memorial, A Grove of Remembrance
Princeton University Alumni Memorial Garden
Memorial at St. Anthony's High School
SUNY Farmingdale 9/11 Memorial
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
John T. Schroeder was 31 years of age and lived in Hoboken, New Jersey. John helped bring Princeton University its first national lacrosse championship in 1992, and was an accomplished athlete who continued to play lacrosse and touch football throughout his adult life. More importantly, the consensus from his family and friends was that he was the nicest, most generous and funniest guy you could meet.
Schroeder, 31, was a Nasdaq stock trader with Fred Alger Management, and was reportedly at a breakfast meeting with members of his former firm in Windows on the World restaurant atop the World Trade Center when the first hijacked plane struck. He had been with Fred Alger on the 93rd floor of the North Tower only since July of that same year.
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