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Jonathan (not verified)

November 07, 2023

I got to know Jorge a bit just from onboarding new workers to the Morgan Stanley project team I worked on at the time.

I was a project admin on an engagement Morgan had with IBM. I was part of the IBM team and part of my job was to onboard new hires, which involved getting a Morgan Stanley badge, and then a badge for access to the World Trade Center. In the year I worked on the project, from June 2000 to June 2001, I must've onboarded no fewer than 20+ workers. We were a pretty big team, so there was a good amount of turnover. I would meet Jorge each time we needed to badge a new hire onto the IBM team. Jorge was an easy person to like. I remember noticing the amount of pride Jorge took, in appearance, in his work -- always professional, but always personable. I mentioned my stepmother was hispanic (I'm Italian) and each time I took a new hire to get badged Jorge would teach me new words in Spanish. It's been 20+ years since 9/11, but I always remember Jorge when I think of my time at the WTC. It's fresh on mind tonight because I'm back in grad school and we've been asked to write about our feelings on 9/11. Unlike most in the class, I worked in the building and have first-hand experiences so I will mention Jorge.

To his family, if you see this. I hope you've found peace. I read about Jorge on a Facebook page and had no idea how much he cared for and was involved in the City's homeless at the time. Honestly, knowing how he was at work.. at least in the interactions he had with me/my team.. it's not a surprise. Jorge was a good soul, and obviously an inspiration to many. I lost my mom at 11 so I know God works in mysterious ways. Based on the location of Morgan's offices, most of Morgan's people were able to get out. I can't help but think if Jorge didn't, it's likely because he acted at work like he did outside of work.. giving selflessly so others could survive.

On this night, and in others past, you have my prayers -- may God bring you peace and comfort always.

Posted by Jonathan

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