Cover of an album of pictures of Karen Martin throughout her life

Karen Martin as a child with her parents Gertrude and Richard and siblings John, Paul, and Susan

Pictures of Karen Martin as a child with her mother and brother

Karen Martin as child on a family vacation

Pictures of Karen Martin as a child

Karen Martin with friends in flight school

Karen Martin with family

Karen Martin with friends in flight school

Karen Martin with family during Christmastime

Karen Martin with a friend

Pictures of Karen Martin with her mother Gertrude and at a Celtics game

Karen with her mother Gertrude

Karen Martin with family and friends

Karen Martin with family and friends

Karen Martin on a family vacation in Quebec City

Karen Martin with the American Airlines ski team

Karen Martin at her 40th birthday party

Karen Martin with her mother and siblings, 1978

Pictures of Karen Martin in 2001

Karen Martin on vacation with family in Quebec City and Greece

Portraits of Karen Martin

Karen Martin with family during Christmastime

Karen Martin on a family vacation in Quebec City

Photo of the Twin Towers Karen Martin took in 2001

Photos of Karen Martin on vacation in Quebec City and the Caribbean

Banner carried by Karen Martin's family in the 2002 Danvers Parade
American flag kept by Karen Martin's family

Memorial button made by the Martin family remembering Karen

Memorial button made by the Martin family remembering Karen

Ticket for the World Trade Center Family Memorial Service

American Airlines business card

Tickets to a play called "Miss Saigon" for her grandmother and aunts Joan and Linda for December 2001 purchased by Karen Martin

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11 with message from President Bush

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11 with message from the head of American Airlines

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11 listing employees lost on Flight AA11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11, including a tribute to Karen Martin

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11 including a list of the crew of Flight AA77

Memorial book made by American Airlines remembering the employees it lost on 9/11 including a message from President Bush

Memorial graphic made to remember Karen with a sticker mentioning the Karen Martin Memorial Fund
Karen Martin with her American Airlines crew members

Karen Martin with her mother Gertrude

Karen Martin with the American Airlines ski team

Picture Karen Martin took of the Twin Towers

Karen Martin as a bridesmaid

Karen Martin at American Airlines flight attendant training school

Karen Martin with a broken leg

Karen Martin's family carrying a memorial banner in a parade in her hometown

Karen Martin with family

Karen Martin with family

Karen Martin at American Airlines flight attendant training school

Karen Martin golfing with friends

Karen Martin on vacation with family in Quebec City

Karen Martin with family

Karen Martin iwth a friend

Karen Martin trying on hats with family

Karen Martin with her brother

Karen Martin with family

Karen Martin with her mother Gertrude

Karen Martin with her mother Gertrude

Karen Martin with friends and family at her 40th birthday party

Karen Martin on vacation with family in Quebec City

Karen Martin with family

Karen Martin with family at her grandmother's 90th birthday

Karen Martin with family during Christmastime

Karen martin at awedding

Karen Martin with family

Karen Martin with friends and family at her 40th birthday party

Karen Martin on a family vacation in Quebec City

Karen Martin with family

Karen Martin with family

Karen with family at her grandmother's 90th birthday party, 2001

Karen with family at her grandmother's 90th birthday party, 2001

Photo taken by Karen of New York City

Photo taken by Karen of New York City

Karen's family picking up her remains, October 2001

Karen's family picking up her remains, October 2001

Karen's family in New York City to pick up her remains, October 2001

Karen's family in New York City to pick up her remains, October 2001

Karen's family in New York City to pick up her remains, October 2001

Karen's family in New York City to pick up her remains, October 2001
Karen Martin as a child with her parents Gertrude and Richard and siblings John, Paul, and Susan

Portait of Karen Martin as a little girl

Karen with her siblings and cousins at two years old

Karen Martin as a child with her mother. father, and siblings

Karen Martin as a baby

Karen Martin in second grade

Karen with one of her brothers during Christmastime

Karen Martin as a little girl

Karen Martin with her mother Gertrude and siblings

Karen Martin's mother Gertrude holding her as a baby

Karen with one of her brothers as a child

One of Karen's childhood birthdays

One of Karen's childhood birthdays
Portrait of Karen Martin

Karen Martin at a Celtics game

Portait of Karen Martin

Karen Martin at the beach

Karen Martin ion vacation in Greece

Portrait of Karen Martin

Portrait of Karen Martin

Portrait of Karen Martin
Local newspaper from Karen Martin's hometown remembering the residents who died on 9/11

Local newspaper from Karen Martin's hometown remembering the residents who died on 9/11

Local newspaper articles about Karen Martin's death

Local newspaper articles about Karen Martin's death

Local newspaper articles about Karen Martin's death

Local newspaper articles about Karen Martin's death

Picture of the flag raising over Ground Zero clipped out of a newspaper by the Martin family

Local newspaper articles about Karen Martin's death

Local newspaper article about Karen Martin following her death

Local newspaper articles about Karen Martin's death

Poster for a Windows of Hope event held in memory of Karen Martin

Newspaper clipping with a man from Karen Martin's home town at Ground Zero

Local newspaper clipping about the Salem, MA Fire Department

Newspaper article about an event held at a library by Karen's brother Paul Martin in honor of her 41st birthday

Article about Karen Martin's family three years after her death

Salem, MA newspaper article recapping 2001 and remembering the residents lost

Letter to Martin family thanking them for a donation from World Challenge, Inc. and Times Square Church

Articles about Karen Martin's memorial fund and her family

Article about Karen Martin's friends and family remembering her

Article about a benefit held for the Karen Martin Memorial Fund

Article about Karen Martin's family three years after her death

Article about Karen Martin

Article about the woman making the quilt in honor of 9/11 victims

Picture of a memorial outside Karen Martin's home

Article about the United States fighting the terrorists responsible for 9/11 and Karen Martin's obituary

Picture of a memorial service held in Karen Martin's hometown
Program for the memorial service held for United and American Airlines Crew members

Program for a memorial service held in Boston for the American Airlines crew lost on 9/11

Cover of a program for a memorial service held for World Trade Center families

Cover of a memorial book

Memorial graphic kept by the Martin family

Flyer for the Windows of Hope benefit held in memory of Karen Martin

Cover of a magazine depicting 9/11 responders

Flag flown over Gunship "Reaper-31" by US Armed Forces during Operation Enduring Freedom in honor of Karen Martin

Card with flag explaining that it was flown over Gunship "Reaper-31" during Operation Enduring Freedom

Card explaining that the flag flown over Gunship "Reaper-31" during Operation Enduring Freedom was in honor of Karen

Cover of a memorial book sent by a Massachusetts State Representative

Memorial graphic made to remember Karen Martin

Thank you note for the Karen Martin Memorial Fund

Thank you note for the Karen Martin Memorial Fund

Flyer for the Karen A Martin Memorial Fund

Tribute poem written about Karen Martin

Prayer card made for Karen Martin

Prayer card provided by the O'Donnell Funeral Service

Prayer card provided by the O'Donnell Funeral Service

Program for the memorial service held for United and American Airlines Crew members

Letter received by the Martin family from a former colleague of Karen's offering to make her portrait

Letter received by the Martin family from a former colleague of Karen's offering to make her portrait

World Trade Center Family Memorial Service

Poem about the Statue of Liberty and 9/11

Thank you made by the Martin family

Play called "Miss Saigon" for her grandmother and aunts Joan and Linda for December 2001

Memorial drawing sent to the Martin family by a friend

Eulogy given by a friend of Karen that she worked with at the Hard Rock Cafe in Boston

Eulogy given by a friend of Karen that she worked with at the Hard Rock Cafe in Boston

Eulogy given by a friend of Karen that she worked with at the Hard Rock Cafe in Boston

Article about Karen's memorial fund

Memorial graphic made to remember Karen used as a thank you note for her fund

Memorial graphic made to remember Karen used as a thank you note for her fund
Condolence letter to the Martin family from the Archbishop of Boston inviting them to a memorial mass

Condolence letter to the Martin family from the Archbishop of Boston inviting them to a memorial mas

Biography of Karen Martin

Biography of Karen Martin

Email sent to the Martin family from the America's 9-11 Memorial Quilts Organization

Article about the woman making the quilt in honor of 9/11 victims

Condolence letter from a Massachusetts State Representative

Condolence letter sent by Karen Martin's high school English teacher
Flyer for the Karen A Martin Memorial Fund

Flyer for the Karen A Martin Memorial Fund

Flyer for the Karen A Martin Memorial Fund
Long Island 9/11 Memorial
Boston Logan Airport 9/11 Memorial
Boston Public Garden 9/11 Memorial
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Karen Martin's friends say she was not just a Type A personality, she was a Type A+. Competitive. Organized. In charge. On the stick to a fault.
She did her Christmas shopping during the summer, had it all wrapped up and out of the way by first frost.
When water skiing, she would dip and slip a little lower than most people. On snow, she always took the steeper, riskier route down. Golfing? She hit from the men's tee.
Back in the 1980's, Ms. Martin, from Danvers, Mass., worked for a while as a bartender at the Hard Rock Cafe in Boston — a Type A+ bartender. She set up her glasses and bottles just so, kept a precise inventory of everything and ragged on all the other bartenders to do likewise. They grumbled. But it was good-natured grumbling because at heart they liked Karen Martin's style. They went along.
In 1989, Ms. Martin became an American Airlines flight attendant and, jumping up onto a chair, proclaimed to her friends: "There is now something special in the air." She liked to work the long, hard hauls, especially the coast-to-coast "transcons."
On Sept. 11, she was the head attendant on American Flight 11, bound out of Boston for Los Angeles. She was 40 years old.
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