Pictures from the opening of the Livingston Memorial Garden in New Jersey

Pictures from the dedication of the Livingston 9/11 Living Memorial Garden honoring the residents of Livingston, including Kenneth Zelman, who died on 9/11

Program for the dedication of the Livingston 9/11 Living Memorial Garden, honoring the Livingston residents who died on 9/11

Program for the dedication of the Livingston 9/11 Living Memorial Garden, honoring the Livingston residents who died on 9/11
Kenneth Zelman with his brother Barry

Kenneth Zelman with his brother Barry

Kenneth Zelman at 15 with his brother's wife

Kenneth Zelman with his sister Laurie

Kenneth Zelman with his sister Carrie at his brother's wedding

Kenneth Zelman at 5 in 1969
Kenneth Zelman's children Ethan and Olivia

Kenneth Zelman's children Ethan and Olivia
Kenneth Zelman with his wife Karin and two children

Kenneth Zelman with family at his sister Carrie's wedding

Kenneth Zelman with family
Kenneth Zelman with his wife Karin on their wedding day
Memorial put together by Kenneth Zelman's company Marsh
Article written by Kenneth Zelman's brother Barry about his experiences following 9/11

Article about needed safety reforms with a picture of Barry Zelman

Article about 9/11 hearings mentioning Kenneth Zelman
Portrait of Kenneth Zelman

Portrait of Kenneth Zelman

Marsh & McLennan September 11th Memorial
New Jersey Living Memorial, A Grove of Remembrance
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Ken, I miss your love and
Ken, I miss your love and friendship.
Posted by Jeff Lawrence
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