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Place of Residence:
Woodstock, NY
Location on 9/11:
Fiduciary Trust International | Vice President

"Everything is OK," the 48-year-old said when he called his mother, Dorothy, from the base of Tower 2 in the World Trade Center at 9:10 a.m.

Mr. Cubas, known as a compassionate leader, went back in to help whoever he could find. He is listed among the missing victims of the World Trade Center disaster.

"He was always a leader. I learned everything from him," said his brother, Larry Cubas. "He taught me a lot of things, whether it was guidance or how to play basketball."

Like the rest of America, Mr. Cubas never expected another airplane to crash into the second tower.

Mr. Cubas spent the last year and a half on the 97th floor of Tower 2 working as a vice president for Fiduciary Trust. The longtime West Brighton resident was in charge of technology acquisitions and management.

Often seen Rollerblading all the way to Central Park from his workplace, Mr. Cubas also enjoyed going to the nearby New York Sports Club and playing basketball.

"I ran into him on the West Side once, at Chelsea Piers — he was Rollerblading out to the park or wherever he was going," said his brother. "He enjoyed going outside and taking camping trips."

A graduate of McKee High School, Mr. Cubas earned his bachelor of science degree in computer science from the State University of New York at Potsdam.

"He was a good student, but didn't really enjoy reading until he got into college and said how it inspired him in different ways," said his brother. When not working or enjoying physical activity, Mr. Cubas was involved with helping the community.

He volunteered for Big Brothers of New York City and mentored Oscar Capata for almost 10 years, his brother said. Now 20 years old, Mr. Capata is serving in the Army.

"My brother also made friends with many FBI officers at the sports club and got involved with many of their programs for children," said his brother. "He would go to various camps and lecture kids and participate in activities."

Born in Tompkinsville, Mr. Cubas moved to West Brighton with his family in 1957. "He was very gentle, but strong. If he didn't think you were right, he'd let you know," said his brother. "He was compassionate, caring and encouraging."

Before going to work at the World Trade Center, Mr. Cubas was a technology planner for the Bank of New York, Manhattan, for five years. He spent 10 years before that as a client/server market manager for Digital Equipment Corp., headquartered in Manhattan.

He was a member of Bethel Community Church, Tompkinsville, and Bible Fellowship Church of Staten Island, West Brighton.