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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Freeport High School Class of 1983 ... R.I.P. our beautiful classmate. We shall never forget.

Posted by Belinda Johnson (Gaskins)

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I am from A small town near St Louis MO & visited a remarkable memorial of 911 victims. The memorial was on Art Hill at Forest Park. It consisted of a flag for each victim of 911. The amount of flags covering the hill was quite moving. Each flag had a picture age hometown & where the victim died. One of the first that I saw was Laura. Her flag was especially moving for me.... She was my age at the time of her death. I took a picture of her flag. I will always think of her when I remember.

Posted by Kathy Eller

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Dear Marie: you may not remember me from our Reliance days but I remember you and of course Laura. I didn't realize until today that it was Laura until I saw her picture during the Memorial Service. I remember her as a beautiful and sweet girl but mostly I remember how much you loved her and how protective you were of her. These past years must have been horribly difficult for you and your family and I wish you the best in the future. I will make time every year to remember your sister and what a sweet girl she was.

Published by Jackie Notar Craven

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I only found out that laura was killed on 9 11 yesterday i new her when we were about 12 or 13 . i am so saddened to hear.

Posted by John Dimasi

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I remember beautiful full of life Laura each and everyday. I say her name and I cry. I knew beautiful Laura from bowling it was Kim Rob Laura and the X me and Rob. How much fun we use to have. I have a video of Laura at my wedding which is very hard for me to watch. Laura was the type of person who would give you the shirt of her back if she had to she was a wonderful person in and out. She will be forever missed but never forgotten That day heaven got the best angle ever lucky for him but very sad for us.

Published by Shanna Cetin

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

10 years it feels like yesterday.we all love and miss you. Your cuz Joey

Posted by Joseph Marchese

Mandy (not verified)

September 26, 2024

Hi I’m 20 years old and I graduated from Freeport high school not so long ago. And obviously I wasn’t alive when 9/11 happened. But I didn’t know there were people from my town who died from this tragedy. Rest in peace.

Posted by Mandy

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