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Place of Residence:
Greenwich, CT
Location on 9/11:
Sandler O'Neil & Partners | Managing Director
Hobbies and Special Interests:
taking care of his home

"Buff" was a victim of the Sept. 11, 2001, World Trade Center tragedy. He worked as a managing director of Sandler, O'Neill & Partners on the 104th floor of 2 WTC.

Strong and lasting friendships marked Buff's entire life when he was growing up in Demarest, N.J., and attending Bergen Catholic HS, at Princeton, and later in Greenwich, Conn. Buff lived life to the utmost at Princeton. He studied politics, played varsity golf, and was a unanimously popular member of Cottage Club. Save for a few gray hairs, he showed that things hadn't changed at the 25th reunion last June, by joyfully renewing friendships, and even winning the alumni golf tournament.

Buff's success at life showed not only through his friendships and career on Wall Street, but also through an incredibly close and committed family. Buff's wife, Susan, and daughter Chloe, parents Bob '47 and Mariann, sisters Priscilla Stumm '72 and Lili Tatsuno, together with extended family that includes nieces Ali Stumm Pogorelec '99 and Amanda Stumm '01, cousins Eric Wohlforth '54 and Charles Wohlforth '86, and father-in-law Dominic Telesco '52, are lasting proof to the power and strength of family. Buff's wonderful spirit will continue through them.