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Place of Residence:
Staten Island, NY
New York Police Department | Volunteer

Lifelong Staten Islander Mary Benedisuk was a civilian worker for the NYPD who enjoyed helping people and caring for animals.

Born and raised in Great Kills, where she lived for most of her life, and recently moved to Prince's Bay. She graduated from St. Joseph by- the-Sea High School and John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan.

Ms. Benedisuk was a civilian employee of the New York City Police Department for over 25 years and retired about five years ago.

"She was highly intelligent, with a very sharp, analytical mind," said Anne Marie Hassett, a friend from high school. "Scruffy, her rescued three-legged dog, who died four months ago, was the love of her life. Mary left us way too soon and will be greatly missed by her friends."

Ms. Benedisuk volunteered at Ground Zero after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, serving food to rescue workers for several weeks. She also handled public relations for the Staten Island Shakespearean Theater, and performed in some of the company's productions.

She was a longtime member of the Great Kills Swim Club, and a parishioner of St. Clare's R. C. Church, Great Kills.