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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

To the Family and Friends of Matthew,
First let me express my deepest sorrow for the loss of your loved one. My family and I will be forever grateful for the sacrifice that he made that September day when the tragedy fell on our Great Nation.
I purchased a memorial coin in memory of your loved one and will cherish the coin forever, never forgetting the sacrifice he made on that day. Words can not express my sorrow for your loss and when I look at the coin and remember your loved one it will be with honor and pride. Thank you seems so little to say when such a great price was paid. Matthew will be forever a part of my family's life; we will pray for you and your loved one and keep him in our prayers as well.
We live in a small town in Washington State near Oso, we know to well the feeling of loss and helplessness but know that without people like Matthew this world as we know it would cease to exists. Thank you for the privilege of having your loved one commemorated so that we could share with you his memory of his sacrifice for this Great Nation. Semper Fi Matthew Semper Fi

Terrie Scarsella
Aux. Chaplain V.F.W. 1561
And family.

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I trained and taught with Mat and didn't know about his passing until saw his photo in USA Today..shocked and saddened. We used to run together on Base. Mat had a superior work ethic and pushed the rest of us. We miss you Mat.

Posted by Frank Fernandez

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Matt & I worked together at the New York State Theater in the late 70s- early 80s. We were best buds and thick as thieves! Two young Irish-Americans in the big city! Matt would often talk about joining the Marines and eventually joining the NYFD .It comes as no surprise he died a hero during the 911 horror. I think of Matt often and miss him dearly.

Posted by Kevin Tobin

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