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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I saw the documentary about your phone calls and was touched and saddened. I also live in the Bay area now. Sending my prayers for your family across the miles ...

Posted by Rebecca Muller

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I never knew you Melissa but I wear a rememberance bracelet in memory of you. Rest in peace Melissa.

Published by Natalie

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I worked with Melissa at SDN and every year think of her and her family at this time. A tragic loss of life to a very lovely and dedicated person. Our prayers are with you all today - The Watson family UK

Posted by James Watson

Gilbert Davies (not verified)

July 05, 2022

God...I can't stop playing your message in my head...about you being stuck in this building in new york...I wish I met you

Posted by Gilbert Davies

David Joyner (not verified)

December 12, 2022

I've seen this documentary a lot and I mean my heart is with your family. I remember when this happened, I was awakened by a phone call, turned on the tv and I could not believe that someone would do something that crazy. What I do no love on family members like it’s your last, we are in a small window of life you just don’t know.

Posted by David Joyner

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