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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I never knew you. But today I did a memorial stair climb for my hometown and we were each given the picture of a firefighter that gave their lives that day. I received yours. 9/11 impacted my life. Carrying your picture tucked next to my heart as I climbed those 110 stairs changed it. Thank you for your sacrifice. I will forever be grateful.

Posted by Kelly Osborne

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I never knew him but from his action of what he did for the world trade towers, his community, and his family was brave. For what he did for the NY was plain heroic. He risked his life to save others that was important to him by risking his life. He knew the cost and still did it to save others. He is counted as a hero for what he did. For his family i'm sorry for him dying he was very brave to do what he did. You guys must be very proud of him. And for the fire department he worked for you also must be proud of what he did.

But he and many others risked their lives to save the ones they cared about. We all should pause on Sunday and remember the men, women fire fighters, police officers and every one else that died on September 11.

Posted by John Epple

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I will never forget because I wear your name on a bracelet have since 03. An etching from the memorial of you name hangs in my living room. I have climbed in stair climbs with a lanyard with your picture on it. I will never forget all that happened that day because you are 9/11 for me. you are the face that i see smiling big. I will never foget.

Published by Jeff Jones

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