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Place of Residence:
New York, NY
Location on 9/11:
Cantor Fitzgerald | Administrative Assistant
Hobbies and Special Interests:

Nancy worked for seven years as a travel agent for Tzell Travel. She did bookings for Cantor Fitzgerald, a large securities firm. Nancy would bend over backward, make a hundred phone calls and spend the next three days trying to get a client’s airfare down. Even after Cantor moved its account to another agency, many of its executives continued to use Nancy for their personal travel arrangements. In the winter of 2000, the CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald’s Institutional Equities Department was so impressed with Nancy’s competence, dedication and personality, he asked her to work for him as his administrative assistant. She was amazed by the offer and told him she didn’t know the difference between a stock and a bond. She told him she didn’t work on Jewish holidays and had to leave early on Fridays. He said, “I don’t care. I want you to work for me.” He saw a person who had tremendous integrity, a person who always wanted to do the right thing.

Nancy was not only my daughter; she was my best friend. What made her unique in the circles she traveled was the way she seamlessly blended her lifestyle with her dedication to Judaism. She had an absolute and unflagging commitment to what she believed in. She was a fiercely independent woman who loved the outdoors, athletic competition, and the camaraderie of friends from all walks of life–yet she remained an observant Jew. She seemed to relish the challenge. She never hid the fact that she was observant. She happily and patiently explained her actions and the reasons behind them to anyone who asked.

She was an avid cyclist. On one bike trip through Utah and Arizona, she brought along a cache of kosher food and some pots and pans. The guides were amazed at Nancy’s determination to stay in one place over Shabbos. She stayed in a cabin room by herself and caught up to the group the next day by prevailing on the locals to drive her to the tour’s next location. Her commitment was unwavering, whether she was on Manhattan’s West Side, the mountains of Colorado, the desert of Utah, or the tundra of Alaska.

We knew about her extensive network of friends–the West Side, the biking community, and her Colorado skiing friends–but we never realized the breadth and depth of these relationships. We didn’t fully appreciate her impact on seemingly everyone she met. She was a great friend, and anyone who knew her was lucky to benefit from her character.

One friend of hers told us that when she first came to New York, she went to a Shabbos meal not knowing anyone. There was a large group of close friends at the meal; all of them knew each other. She didn’t, and felt nervous and shy. Everyone pretty much ignored her except for Nancy. Then Nancy introduced her to everyone in the apartment and made sure to include her in the conversations. Nancy had this ability to identify the essential quality each person she met. Casual meetings developed into lasting friendships. And she wasn’t easily forgotten.