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Anonymous (not verified)

February 20, 2020

In the months after I learned of Paul's death I tried to locate his wife to give her some photos I had of Paul from college. Friends of mine told me not to try to reach her - that the photos would only bring sad memories. For some reason I listened to them even though - after I lost my fiance in 1995 - seeing new photos of him or hearing new stories about him was like a gift.

If Alessandra would like the gift of photos and stories of the "crazy Paul" from TCI I would ask her to contact me. My thoughts are with her and all of those who lost loved ones seven years ago today...

Posted by Jody-Marie Frankovits

Anonymous (not verified)

February 20, 2020

Like for so many people the memories of that day are beyond words. I just wanted to mention Paul & I worked at the same company for a period of time before he left to go to Aon. I didn't know him but I knew who he was and recall we'd politely say hello if we passed each other in the elevator or any place else in the building. I remember he stood out among most of the employees in his department but he stood out in a good way as if he didn't belong there. When he left to go to Aon I learned that he was a very talented person with a bright future ahead of him. When I found out he was gone I couldn't believe it and saddened me. As the years go by I hope his family can find a little more peace and comfort.

Published by Tyler Land

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