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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I am a 5th grade student in Orangeville IL we are learning about 911. I am learning about the people who were lost that day. I chose Mr. Brennan because he was a fire fighter. I think it is important to remember those who were lost and their families. Even though I wasn't born yet my mom remembers my brother he was almost nine months old learning to walk holding on to the entertainment center while news stations broadcasted around the world. I am sorry for your family s loss. I hope the world will never forget the ones lost.
Published by Kyle Miller

Kyle - we thank you for choosing Peter - when Peter was in 5th Grade he knew he wanted to be a firefighter... and We hope the world never forgets all the lives lost that day ... and those that continue to loose their battle with post 911 illnesses.... We hope you are well and , again, thank you for choosing our Peter ..

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I did not know this man but i do know that what he did was very brave and heroic. To be one of the first people to try to help out when everyone was scared you would have to be extremely brave. I know this man had family waiting for him to come back home and I am sorry for the death of this heroic man. All the innocent people who passed away because of this horrifying act of terrorism we hold in our prayers.

Posted by Cara

Kathi Brennan … (not verified)

September 08, 2022

This is your sister Kathi. Just want to say the family misses you and loves you. RIP my Dear Brother.🚒💔

Posted by Kathi Brennan

Shawn Nave (not verified)

September 12, 2022

On Saturday 09/10/2022, I completed the Memorial Stairclimb with a picture of Peter hanging from my gear. It was truly an honor to be able to climb for a hero. I am a police officer and I do the stairclimb every year in full SWAT gear to honor these heroes. This year, it was raining during the climb, every time the climb would start to get challenging, I would look down at the tag hanging off my vest and I would keep pushing until we finished the climb. When we finish the climb, we ring the Tower bell, this was for you Peter!

Posted by Shawn Nave

Emery Morgan (not verified)

September 23, 2024

I am a Freshman in high school doing a project over a person who lost their life in the 9/11 attacks. I did not know Peter, but I must say I am very sorry for Peter's family I send my condolences from my heart to his wife, children, and family. Thank you for your sacrifice to save many lives.

Posted by Emery Morgan

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Place of Residence:
Ronkonkoma, NY
Location on 9/11:
Fire Department of New York | Firefighter, Rescue 4

Peter filled his days and nights with humor. He was merciless, everyone in every situation fell victim to one of his jokes. He was a uniquely personable man. Peter engaged anyone in conversation, anywhere. He loved taking pictures and rarely left home without a camera. Peter was a loving husband and a father that was anxiously awaiting the birth of his second child, a son.

A former New York City police officer, Peter began his FDNY career in 1995. To say Peter loved firefighting was an understatement. His enthusiasm for fire service was always evident, especially as he served as a technical rescue instructor at the FDNY academy. He showed them the ropes. Peter was a decorated volunteer firefighter, earning the Medal of Valor and Fireman of the Year Award for his rescue of three fellow volunteers. Peter was actively pursuing a degree in Fire Science Technology at the time of his death.