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Place of Residence:
Stafford, VA
Federal Bureau of Investigation | Special Agent

Mr. Stockham lived in Stafford County for 18 years. He graduated in 1984 with a degree in Chemistry from West Liberty State College in West Virginia. Mr. Stockham went on to earn a master's degree in Forensic Science from George Washington University. His hobbies included building street rods, politics, but most especially spending time with his family.

Mr. Stockham was an FBI agent who had been with the Bureau since 1984. He started out in the FBI Laboratory as a technician in the Explosives Unit. He graduated from the FBI Academy and transferred to Houston investigating Violent Crimes. He then transferred back to the FBI Laboratory as an Explosives Examiner in the Explosives Unit. His greatest accomplishment with the Bureau was his development of the Forensic Canine Program.