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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
Saddle River, NJ
Location on 9/11:
Carr Futures | Trader

<p>Robert Zampieri, half Irish, half Italian. Senior year of College studied abroad in London at Redenee College; used time there to travel through Europe. He went to Ireland One weekend; after he graduated he was offered a job in Dublin, Ireland where he lived for about a year. Robert Loved Ireland; because he had an Italian last name, he didn’t tell anyone his name until he made friends. Robert was very determined, once he was looking for work, and so his mother decided to get one of her friends to give him a job at her family’s business. Mrs. Zampieri thought it would be something temporary because since it was a family business there was no upward mobility but to hers and everyone’s surprise, he stayed at that job for a 1 1/2 years. The only reason he left the job was because he couldn’t go any further with the business. Robert has been best friends with <a href="… Vialonga</a> since High school; the 2 of them stayed close throughout the years and they were desk buddies in the WTC. They died together. Rober usually worked the night shift; he had just switched from night hours to day hours the day of September 11th. </p>
<p>In honor of Robert’s passing, His 5th grade teacher advocated for the school to contribute a memorial; Mrs. Zampieri suggested a flag of remembrance but she wanted to the flag pole to be moved so that it was in from of the school where it could be seen. The teacher, who is also a friends of Mr &amp; Mrs. Zampieri, fun-raised all the necessary funds through bake sales and donations to move the flag pole and also got an engraved plaque saying "We Remember". The flag that was hung was the 9/11 memorial flag.</p>